
Migratory birds in the Azores

This month the World Day of Migratory Birds is celebrated on the 8th of May. This celebration began in 2006, by the Secretariat of the Agreement on the Conservation of African-Eurasian Migratory Waterbirds (AEWA) in collaboration with the Secretariat for (...)

By Direção Regional dos Assuntos do Mar | 04/05/2021

Earth’s Day

Today is World Earth Day, which was initially created to raise public awareness of the environment, inspiring people to save and protect it. This year's theme on World Earth Day is “Restoring our Earth”, which aims to highlight the tools (...)

By LIFE IP Azores Natura | 22/04/2021

The LIFE IP AZORES NATURA (LIFE17 IPE/PT/000010) project has received funding from the LIFE Programme of the European Union.
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