The following project interventions will take place on Vila Islet:
– Installation of artificial nests for procellariiformes;
– Installation of shelter boxes for terns during their breeding season;
– Removal of exotic and invasive species, such as Tetragonia tetragonoides, Carpobrotus edulis, Acacia sp. and Opuntia maxima;
– Planting and direct sowing of native species that occur naturally in this area: Azorina vidalii, Euphorbia azorica, Limonium vulgare, Myosotis maritima, Daucus carota subsp. azoricus, Festuca petraea, Frankenia pulverulenta and Asplenium marinum;
– Implementation of biosecurity measures (traps and other devices) to detect possible invasions by invasive species (for example rodents).