The project’s interventions will take place in priority habitats and in habitats with an unfavourable conservation status within the intervention area (Natura 2000 codes 3130, 6180, 7110*, 7130, 8220, 91D0*, 9360* and 9560*), with the aim to improve the native laurel and juniper forests and safeguard the species protected by the Habitats Directive, such as Lactuca watsoniana and Arceuthobium azoricum, both present in this area.
The project is implementing a set of tasks that will improve the conservation status of this intervention area, namely:
– Installation of fences to prevent cattle from accessing the area;
– Removal of a Cryptomeria japonica forest and conversion into native habitat;
– Selective removal of other exotic and invasive species, such as hydrangea (Hydrangea macrophylla);
– Planting of native species that occur naturally in this area (Calluna vulgaris, Erica azorica, Frangula azorica, Ilex perado subsp. azorica, Juniperus brevifolia, Laurus azorica, and Vaccinium cylindraceum).